With excellent accommodation options and facilities, the Hotel Omasila in Leh, India has created an important place in the hearts and minds of the travelers. From trivial needs to elaborate requirements, everything is taken care of by the efficient staffs of the hotel. It is this feature of the hotel that distinguishes it from rest of the A class hotels in Leh.
You can choose to put up in any of the 18 standard rooms and 10 deluxe rooms at Leh Hotel Omasila. The rooms are nice and cozy. The intimate ambience of the rooms is something to be talked about at length. Interiors and Tibetan style décor complement the beauty of the rooms beyond compare. Besides, every room has several modern amenities also. These amenities are attached baths, running hot & cold water, telephone and television.
If you do not want to put your business proceedings on hold then the conference hall of Leh Hotel Omasila is an apt base for you. Here you can host seminars, slide show presentation and meetings with convenience. This apart, you can also seek the effective secretarial services of the hotel.
A host of recreational facilities at Hotel Omasila in Leh is awaiting you. These facilities are travel guide, carom and chess, cultural programs, children's playground, convenience shop and barbeques (available in winter).
An extensive range of additional facilities is also available at Leh Hotel Omasila. These facilities include laundry, central heating system, doctor on call, generators, pick up & drop, car rentals, travel assistance and credit card acceptance.
Leh, the capital city of Ladakh, enchants travelers with its scenic beauty and grandeur. It abounds in numerous places of tourist attractions. Some are located within walking distance and hence it is easy to visit them on foot. A short leisurelywalk towards North of the town, across the fields will lead to a small monastery of Sankar where Tantric murals and a thousand beaded Avalokitesvara deity form an interesting sight.