Skin Surgery in India

India has made its mark in medical tourism over the last few years, because of the numerous advanced medical treatments and facilities that have been built in India. For medical tourism, India has become the first choice for all tourists from all around the world because of the constant improving infrastructure in India.

With a medical tour to India, tourists do not only enjoy the benefits of excellent medical treatments at affordable rates but also have an enjoyable vacation.

Skin Surgery is one of the various medical facilities in India that shown a drastic improvement in last 10 years. India has become a preferred destination for all kinds of skin surgery treatments among population of various countries.

Skin Surgery in India

Skin Surgery in India

What is Skin Surgery?

Firstly, one should understand that taking care of skin is not vital just to maintain a good physical appearance but it is also important to protect body’s internal organs.

A healthy skin produces Vitamin D in the body and also protects the organs from viruses and bacteria.

To maintain a healthy skin, to get rid of deformities of skin caused by some injury or burn and even to maintain a glowing appearance, Skin surgery treatments are very crucial and useful.

What are some of the common Skin Disorders among people?

Toxic epidermal neurolysis: This disease is caused mainly by bacterial infection or improper reaction to drugs. It is eminent to take proper medication during this skin ailment as it causes burn marks, pain, anxiety and even death in certain cases.

Stevens Johnson syndrome: The major symptoms of this disease include red rashes all over the body, formation of blisters around eyes, vaginal and mouth regions, loss of hair, peeling of nails and inflammation of mucous membrane.

Psoriasis: This long-period skin disorder leads to formation of open sores in skin that finally leads to white scales and dead skin in nails, back, chest, legs, scalp and arms.

Vitiligo: This skin disorder leads to the formation of white patches due to formation of melanocytes. This disorder is caused by stress.

What are the various skin treatments available in Indian Hospitals?

Facial Blood Vessels: Various biological, environmental and sociological factors can cause development of blood vessels on facial skin.

The most efficient and effective treatment of facial blood vessels is the pulse dye laser. The newly created, highly advanced V-Beam laser has proven most effective in treatment of blood vessel of any kind of facial skin.

Brown Spots: Environmental and Genetic reasons can cause the formation of “age spots” on facial skin. Advanced Laser treatments such as NdYAG or Qswitched Alexandrite lasers have proven efficient in curing the skin ailment. Other methods employed for treatment of age spots include intense pulse light and Photofacials. Fraxel Laser has also proven useful for removal of scars, pores, textures, wrinkles and acne other skin imperfections.

Hair Removal: Laser treatments have proven useful for removal for unwanted bodily hair.

Leg Veins: For removing leg veins, Sclerotherapy, which as an injection of fluids into the veins and long pulsed NdYag laser technique have proven effective.

Birth Marks: For removal of birth marks V-Beam laser has proven efficient. Pigmented birthmarks are treated with pigment lasers techniques including NDYAG and Alexandrite lasers.

Wrinkles: Fraxel Laser is an effective treatment for removing wrinkles and facial lines and various other pigmentations and imperfections. Sun damaged skin can be resurfaced using laser peel or CO2 laser techniques.

Acne and Surgical Scars: Resurfacing lasers like CO2 or erbium or Fraxel Laser have proven successful in removing acne scars.

Photodamage of the Neck and Chest: Laser techniques have been successful in treatment of Photodamages to skins.

Melasma: Fraxel Lasers is proven efficient for treatment of Melasma, which is facial pigmentation in women skin caused by sun or birth control pills.

Tattoo Removal: The NdYag or Q switched Alexandrite can help in removal of tattoo from skin.

Stretch Marks: During pregnancy or puberty, since the body weight grows suddenly, it causes stretch marks in body which can be cured using V-Beam laser or pulse dye laser.

Cryotherapy: The process in which extreme cold waves are applied to the germs-affected areas of skin is called as Cryotherapy which has proven efficient for skin cancer treatments.

Chemical peels: One of the most efficient ways to cure wrinkles, skin pigmentation and facial blemishes is the application of chemical solution on the damaged skin.

Mohs micrographic surgery: The surgery includes removal of layers of skin and its examination under microscopes for any dead cells to locate skin and remove skin tumors.

Any other Services offered by Indian Hospitals?

Other services include:

• Axillae
• Cryotherapy
• Patch tests for patients with contact dermatitis
• Chemical peels
• Allergy skin-testing
• Electro-Cauterisation
• Cutaneous surgery for skin and nail diseases
• Treating hyperhidrosis
• Microdermabrasion
• Cosmetic Dermatology
• Alleviating wrinkles around forehead and eyes

Why Chose India for Skin Surgery Tourism?

The hospitals in India have some of the most educated and professional doctors. Indian doctors are perfectly capable and qualified for solving any kind of ailment or disease. And all the treatments in India are available at a very economical price when it is compared to medical tourism in countries like USA or England. Hence, for skin surgery treatment, India is the country one must chose to visit.

One of the most efficient medical facilities for skin treatments in India is Apollo’s Dermatology Department which has all the equipments and requirements that are required to deal with skin treatment cases. The doctors in this facility are keen to always give helpful advices and tips to maintain proper skin.

Contributed by:
Karan Saxena is a literature student, with keen interest in writing about India and the world. His write-ups give an intricate, detailed version of the cultures and surroundings of the locations, he is writing about. All his write ups are thoroughly researched and completely accurate in providing factual details.

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